Do You Have Moisture, And Possibly Mold, in Your Walls?
In the Replay on Your Valuable Home Sunday at 6:00 p.m., Kevin concludes the story of the extensive remodel of his home, including the construction of a 1,290 sq. ft……. [Read More]
In the Replay on Your Valuable Home Sunday at 6:00 p.m., Kevin concludes the story of the extensive remodel of his home, including the construction of a 1,290 sq. ft……. [Read More]
In the Your Valuable Home replay tomorrow at 6:00, Kevin’s neighbor, Kim, weighs the pros and cons of various window brands to broaden the view from her kitchen, and to…… [Read More]
Tonight on Your Valuable Home, we talk about the limitations of fiber cement board siding and products for the bath. Installed improperly or subjected to too much moisture, it can…… [Read More]