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Would you vacation in a log cabin without running water and an outhouse in Pennsylvania’s northern wild? Doug loves it. He’s back for a Replay about life at the cabin…… [Read More]
In the Replay tonight, Kevin explains how he is helping a referred customer address questions that might also be on your mind. Should the new siding go with the trend to dark colors? Shutterrs or no shutters? The Horror Story tonight is an HVAC story, where the white piping for a split system was installed on – believe it or not – the outside of the house…even across the roof. In the College, Rich Orlando, one of the two founders of Ken- Rich Mechanical gives us a rundown on the latest advances in HVAC, including UVC scrubbers that clean the air. They’re $1,200 to $1,800, and they can be installed on an existing or new system. In need of a new system? Rich simplifies selection with these designations: Good for $8,000 to $10,000, Better for $12,000 to $15,000, Best for $15,000 to $20,000. And many systems today can become part of a total smart home set-up and controlled with a phone.
The latest HVAC in 22 minutes
Podcast: Download (Duration: 43:44 — 80.1MB)
Tagged as: smart home, UVC scrubber, HVAC, Ken-Rich Mechanical.
Would you vacation in a log cabin without running water and an outhouse in Pennsylvania’s northern wild? Doug loves it. He’s back for a Replay about life at the cabin…… [Read More]
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