What’s Up in The Philly Real Estate Market
This Sunday on the Your Valuable Home Replay, Lea, the daughter of Philadelphia realtor, Monic Wright, talks to Kevin and Ron about her search for properties she can acquire inexpensively…… [Read More]
This Sunday on the Your Valuable Home Replay, Lea, the daughter of Philadelphia realtor, Monic Wright, talks to Kevin and Ron about her search for properties she can acquire inexpensively…… [Read More]
The replay today features Eric’s creative bathroom redo. Then Kevin relates the story of the “un-contractor,” a referral that came through a local website. He turned out to be one…… [Read More]
In the Your Valuable Home replay this week, PJ shares the priorities he and his wife set in the search for their first home. Overall budget, taxes, the condition of…… [Read More]